To many digital immigrants technology is stressful and just a headache. Many digital immigrants do not want to learn new forms of technology because they are content and fine with how they live. They feel as if they have lived this long without it that others should also. These types of individuals are happy with the life they live and want nothing to change. 

    Technology is a very important tool for teaching various forms of information. Technology can be a fun and interactive way to teach for individuals to learn. When information is taught in a fun way that students are familiar with, they will want to learn and take in the information easier. Technology has become one of the largest, most important ways to teach technology in today’s society, so it is more important than ever to include it.

    When I first read the title “Are you a digital native?” many thoughts ran through my mind. I thought that I defiantly was a digital native. After reading the article I was unsure if I still agree with my initial response. Technology has always been a part of my schooling but was never that important.

    When reading about digital immigrants I agree with that part a lot. I am still learning new forms of technology daily, including recently getting the iphone! My parents were total digital immigrants who did not use technology, with my mom still today not that great. 

    As a digital native, this is where I fall into place. I grew up learning many different skills from reading to math using computer games. There then was a game called Mavis Beacon that was to teach how to type and different strategies. 

     When it comes to me personally, I believe I am placed in the middle. Growing up I used a computer and various forms of technology. At the same time, the children I babysit can work the iphone and ipad better than me. There are different times that I believe that I am a digital immigrant and a digital narrative.